Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Getting Around

There is no end to transportation options in India.  From trains to camel carts people find a way to get around.  The roads in Jaipur are usually packed with a mixture of ox carts, bicycle rickshaws, cars, cows, camels and scooters.  Here are my 3 favorite ways to get around in the Pink City. 

Baba Khan's Autorickshaw:  While Baba Khan speaks no English and I can rarely explain where I want to go, he always seems to be waiting in front of my apartment just when I need him.  And with that bright henna dyed hair how can I say no? So there's a lot of hand gestures and stopping for directions (and a cup of chai), but we usually get there...eventually.
Yusuf's Autorickshaw:  I have his number on speed dial and anytime I need to make a trip to a random part of the city for a field visit this is who I call.  Yusuf is knowledgeable and friendly...He's constantly helping me with my hindi, and never minds lugging my big yellow barrel around for a field test. 
My Hero Honda Motorcycle!  Gotta say i'm stupid excited about my motorcyle.  There's nothing better than having the freedom to zip around the city whenever you like.  Since westerners usually don't drive in India, and no women drive motorcycles, I get a bit of celebrity status when I pull up to my local fruit market.  Driving in Jaipur is like playing human Tetris with everyone swerving, honking and wedging themselves between the livestock and automobiles to find the best fit.  No one obeys traffic signs, uses signals or pays any attention to lines on the road, so basically my driving technique fits right in.  It's crazy, but I love every minute of it. 


  1. love it! we took little buses all over africa and recently even drove in europe...which was not like driving in india/SE asia, but still...sometimes a bit like throwing caution/our lives into the wind.

    also, love the shopping blog! might have to order something...will be shopping out of karina'a closet this time around...good times.

  2. you are in the very very best jbc tradition and have elevated the genre by
    your contribution on the water bringer front! love your bike and the trishaw driver too!
    having a lovely evening with isa and her friend tommy in clarksdale ms.
    happiest of trails to you and look forward to more posts!
