Saturday, August 21, 2010

Odds and Ends

My last week in India Cynthia (the founder of Wello) came out to India with Josh (an amazing photographer) to photograph some of the work I'd been doing over the summer for the new website.  We only had 5 days to do a whirlwind tour and try and capture the impact Wello can have in Rajasthan....It went great and Josh got some fantastic photos (coming soon to the Wello website).  The added benefit was that Josh was kind enough to snap a few pics of me.

The next 48hr are going to be hectic.  I have to pack up (did a lot of shopping), lug my backpack and huge trunk (did I mention I did a lot of shopping) all the way to Delhi and catch my flight.  I hope to post some final thoughts about my summer here in Rajasthan eventually, until then here are a few odds and ends from my last week in Rajasthan.

Cynthia and I grabbing a morning chai
Me, Cynthia, Josh in Rickshaw
Me at Pushkar Lake
Chatting up our driver
Coconut water
Trying to organize the photo shoot in Pushkar village with my limited Hindi
The shot

working in the monsoon

This is a lot harder than it looks

Majera village shoot
Me and the Water Wheel getting ready to hit the highway
My "printing studio" in Majera village...sharing some of the photos with the women.

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