Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ladakh Vacation

I've just returned from a 10 day vacation up to Ladakh, one of the northern most regions of India.  It was like stepping into a completely different world after a month in Rajasthan. 

Ladakh is so high up in the mountains that the town of Leh is usually only accessible for 3 months in the summer time.  Even when I was there roads were constantly closed due to avalanches. 
Pangong Lake stretches across the boarder of India and Tibet....That's Tibet in the distance...you can almost see the chinese military post making sure I don't row across.
The Ladakhi people are primarily budhist and have much more in common with Tibetans than Indians.  The town in covered in Tibetan prayer flags and the restaurants, which serve delicious Tibetan momos and noodle soup, always have  a framed picture of His Holiness the Dali Lama.  It was a wonderful vacation and as always I had some wonderful encounters, but first  here are some pics of the region to get you in the mood. 
I rented a Royal Enfield (The motorcycle Shantaram rides) to visit the different monestaries in the region.
Baby monks in training at a Gompa                                                 30 ft statue of Buddha in Thiksey

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